We are in the midst of a massive collective shift. 2019 was a ‘preparation’ year for what is to come in 2020. Every year, we undergo a slight shift. A transformation of some sort. But nothing like what we are about to have in 2020. Think of it as a new way of life. A new Earth. I think everyone can agree that 2019 was a crazy year full of ups & downs, changes & clearings. If I could pick one word to describe my 2019, it would be “transformation”. What would yours be? Well, whatever word comes to mind is exactly what you needed in order to be ready for the shift that is about to happen in 2020.
So, what exactly is this shift all about? It’s about going into a reality & way of life that is more about flow over force. A collective energy where people can no longer hide from their own bullshit. An era of truth. A time of authenticity. A time of justice. Rapid manifestation, Coming into Divine Alignment. Intention over action. Upleveling to each of our own highest form of truth.
In order to get to the vibration that 2020 is bringing us to, there is a lot of releasing and clearing that needs to occur. We cannot get to where 2020 is taking us with all of our old baggage. Maybe the last few months of 2019 have been rough for you. I think they’ve been quite the whirlwind for all of us on some level.
Emotions have been coming up out of the blue. Things you thought you dealt with. You were over with. These emotions are coming up to be fully released, once and for all. Inner child wounding may have been coming up as well. This is huuuuge – our inner child must be healed before we go into 2020. Or we are in for a rude awakening. 0ur inner child is the seat of our soul. It will be guiding us for this huge energy shift. But how can it guide us if it is still hurting? Go into meditation and talk to your inner child if this is coming up for you. Ask her what she wants you to know. Have a conversation with her. Hug her. Caress her. And tell you how much you love her. Work through whatever she is hurting from. And then you can both let it go together. Inner child healing is profound and so necessary. Once you have engaged more with you inner child healing, play with her!! Bring more play into your life! Have more fun! Don’t take everything so seriously! Cultivating a relationship with your inner child brings you closer to your highest self. This is where we are going. Closer to our highest truths, our divine destiny.
Want to dive deeper and see where this shift is affecting you personally? Click here to book your 2020 shift/eclipse season astrology reading! I am looking at the current eclipse season as the beginning of the shift so in this reading we will be looking at how this eclipse is affecting you personally as well as what the 2020 shift will be ushering in for you.