Start off Aries season with a Q2 planner designed with the spiritualpreneur in mind! This 3 month planner includes all major astrology from April-June 2022 as well as an interactive guide on how to read how each new & full moon is affecting you personally!
What’s included:
- Q2 2022 April -June planner
- Full astrology downloads for every new and full moon
- Mercury Retrograde readings
- Interactive guide to read how each major astrological event is affecting your personal natal chart
- Guide to the astrological signs & houses
- Journaling Prompts for each month which coincide with the astrological energy for the month
- Monthly Reflecting Journal Prompts
- Monthly Calendar listing where the Sun and Moon are each day
- Daily To-Do List to fill out for your needs
- Monthly Community “Check-Ins” conducted via Zoom where the community will reflect and offer support on the month as well as coaching & astrological readings provided during the call (calls times TBD based on a time that works for a majority of community members)
- Access to a Spritualpreneur Community chatroom – where everyone shares what is going on for them (in business or personally) and we support each other, offer resources, chat about the energy of the day and how we are all feeling – nothing is off limits! A deep sisterhood chat to have in your back pocket!