Are you claiming 2025 as the year of your QUANTUM LEAP?
THE QUANTUM LEAP is a value packed 1:1 package incorporating astrology, numerology, transformational coaching & healing to ensure that this is the year you make your wildest dreams come true with the most ease and universal support.
Don’t wait around another year hoping for your dreams to come to life. The energy of this year is ABUNDANCE and VICTORY for all… so let’s make sure we harness that and make it your reality, why don’t we?
This is for spiritual women with BIG dreams for 2025, devoted to their soul’s path and highest alignment and committed to the inner work required to get there.
Make 2025 the year of your quantum leap into your biggest desires.
I see you and your big vision for 2025.
You want to become this magnetic, abundant, in awe of life version of yourself this year… but you know there’s some inner work, healing and clearing that needs to occur to be an energetic match for that first.
You’re spiritual AF and learning about the mystical side of what 2025 means for you excites you and opens up your curiosity and an endless field of possibilities.
You are yearning to be in flow with the universe and the energy that is available for you.
You no longer want to feel like you are swimming up stream, you’d rather pin point the energetics in the quantum field and flow effortlessly towards what you desire and what is meant for you.
You are claiming this to be the year you finally let go of all of those limiting patterns and emotions keeping you stuck.
You have a new version of yourself you are calling forward this year. You are claiming 2025 to be the year everything changes and you start to live a life beyond your wildest dreams. You. Are. Ready. For. Greatness.
THE QUANTUM LEAP is your one-way ticket to living in the extraordinary in 2025.
In this three 1:1 session package, we will be incorporating…
Our first call is all about reading into the energy and what the universe is ushering in for you this year.
Astrology of the year: We will go deep into your astrological transits for the year, highlighting what changes will be occurring, where to focus your energy and understanding how to work with your transits.
Personal Year Numerology: You will receive a full reading on what your personal year number is, what to expect, and how to position yourself to make the most out of the numerology as it pertains to you.
This is a ritual I hold for myself and my clients at the beginning of each year to ensure that we understand what the universe has in store for us, the energy that is available to us to work with, and how to align with this energy to experience the most ease and flow throughout the year. It is a peek into the energetic field of your year so you can fully know what to expect and where the transformations will occur. This is to give you full clarity on what is available and what is to come.
Our second call is to pin-point what it is YOU desire for the year, what your big dreams are and how to align with them.
At this point we are clear of the energy that is available and what the universe has in store for you. Now, what is it that YOU want? We get super deep and crystal clear on your vision here.
We weave in your desires and the energetics and see where they meet. We will take stock of what in your life (patterns, beliefs, emotions, etc.) is not in alignment with this vision.
As a transformational coach, I will laser focus into what needs to shift, be released and alchemized in order for you to be an energetic match to this amazing f*cking dream that you are claiming for the year. From here we will map out what needs to be alchemized and what actions you can take to make this dream your reality. Here we plan it allllll out so you have a clear path forward!
Our final call is where we go supeeeer deep in the healing and alchemizing what we uncovered needs to shift and heal within you in order for this vision we constructed to come to life.
Now that we have seen the mystic side of your year and the energy the universe is ushering in for you, we have gotten super clear on what your HUMAN wants for the year and what is needed to get you there, it is time for us to get into the HEALING work where we alchemize any part of you that is not in alignment with the quantum leap you are set out to experience this year!
You will be led in a deep breathwork ceremony designed for you to release anything that is holding you back and is not in alignment with the new version of you that you are calling forward.
This session will alchemize your pain into gold, assist in releasing any fears and help you remove the emotions out of your body that are causing any misaligned patterns. You will receive energy work during the ceremony and channeled messages from your spirit team to assist in the deep healing process.
This is a brand new way to receive the signature mystical and deep transformation, occurring in the mind, body & soul, that happens in my high-touch containers at a wildly low price point that it will never be at again.
You have something you are calling in and you know who you want to become. Yet… you know you are not quite there, yet.
Maybe there’s some beliefs that are not aligned with this version of yourself you are calling forward. There’s still patterns you are operating out of that are not aligned with this reality and the desires you are calling in.
You hear people on the internet talking about “energetic alignment” and you haven’t been able to pinpoint or master that for yourself just yet….but you crave it deeply.
The Quantum Leap is designed to get you into that energetic alignment.
The Quantum Leap is here to help you alchemize all that is keeping you stuck, so you can start living the life you really want to live. Full of aliveness, alignment, joy, abundance and MAGIC.
The Quantum Leap is going to show you the exact blueprint to follow, as it is written in the stars and energetic field surrounding you, to ensure that this is the year you align with your highest timeline.
This package includes three value packed 1:1 sessions with Angela so you can experience your very own quantum leap into alllll of your desires and dreams coming true, ultimate alignment with the universe and unbridled clarity.
This three session package is an $850 value currently discounted to $400 for the first three people who sign up! Then the price will go up to $500 and will never be this low for these sessions again, so get in now while ya can!
(After check out you will be redirected to a confirmation page where you click “Schedule” to schedule out all of your sessions. Please book 1 session per week in the order they are listed, for three consecutive weeks of sessions)